When the snow is on the mountains ...
The 2025 Winter Package is here!
We're teaming up with the Aerospace Ski Club for weekend ski trips to Mammoth in 2025! Click here for more info.
There will be week-long ski trips to Japan, Switzerland & Aspen/Snowmass. Check the Winter Package for more info.
Questions about the Association can be directed to our answer phone: 310.814.SNOW (7669)
or to our new email address: spaceparkskiclub@yahoo.com
Mailing Address: SPSC Ski & Snowboard Association - One Space Park, S/1156, Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Michael | Munn | President |
David | Pisarski | Vice President |
Vicki | Bilinski | Secretary and Membership |
Sam | Schreiber | Treasurer |
Joanne | Iwens | Newsletter Editor |
Tara | Shepard | Social Coordinator |
The Club's Purpose
The SPSC Ski & Snowboard Association's purpose is to promote interest in skiing and snowboarding, and to provide for group participation in the sport.
A Board of Directors consisting of the association officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer); the chairpersons of all the active committees; and the previous year's President and Vice-president governs the association. Officers are elected annually and the incumbent President appoints committee chairpersons.
The members of the active committees for the Council and are comprised of volunteers from the general membership. These volunteers are appointed to positions by the committee chairperson. Any association members interested in volunteering for a committee is urged to contact the committee chairperson through the Answer Phone or email.
The membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August. Membership in the association offers a number of advantages in addition to meeting people with common interests and making new friends:
Members receive preference over non-members in signing up for all ski trips.
Council members make all the arrangements for the activities. All you have to do is pay your money and show up on time.
It's the only way to get on the association mailing list, and thus to receive the Winter Package, which contains trip announcements, sign-up forms, and notices of parties and other special events.
The picnic meeting can happen in July, August, or September at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach. We BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers with all the condiments and beverages supplied. The picnic starts at 6:00 p.m.
The Council meets regularly on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of the month, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM at the Northrop Grumman S Patio Cafe to discuss various details of the association's administration. All members are welcome to attend these meetings (call the answer phone or email for the date).
Winter Schedule
A schedule of trips for the upcoming winter season is published and mailed to members each year at the end of August. This winter package contains sign-up forms and information for all upcoming major trips, the calendar of proposed Mammoth trips, and a membership form. You cal also check out our event calendar on this web at any time.
Summer Events
Summer sunshine allows a wide range of activities in which association members can participate. There are bicycle rides, picnics, and wine tasting to name a few. Complete details (what, where, when, and how) are posted on the association web site.
Special Activities
Throughout the year many special events are scheduled to fill in the gaps between winter and summer.
If you have further questions after reading this information sheet, please feel free to call or email responses such as cancellations. The SPSC Ski & Snowboard Association Answer Phone is: 310.814.SNOW (7669), the email address is: spaceparkskiclub@yahoo.com.
The SPSC Ski & Snowboard Association has a mutual aid agreement with the following ski clubs - Century City Ski Club,
Slope Surfers, Southbay Ski Club, Beach Cities Ski Club,
Auslich Ski Club, and Long Beach Ski Club to allow members to participate on TRWSC trips at the members cost.